Thursday, March 29, 2007

A strange contradiction

Well for awhile now I have been blogging on myspace, sometimes I try and analyse something, sometimes I rant on about nothing (alot!) and sometimes i have utterly laid my soul bare, and those are the frightening times.

I am seriously looking at myself in this scenario. I am someone who is incredibly hesitant to reveal my emotions and feelings to people, yet so many people tell me how open i am, I have talked about things in my blogs I have not really discussed with my friends; so why have I made the move from myspace to here?

because I am going to force myself to live my life honestly, and somehow in this mad, crazy and intricately messy world we live in, for me, writing it down makes me be honest, and this blog seems like the logical next step! Myspace was primary school, now I have hit highschool.

When I lay myself bare here, before my own eyes as well as before those of some people I know and many i dont, I am forced to be honest, forced to face the realities, evaluate things on a more even keel than when they bombard and smash about inside my head. I am sure I will, on many occaisons, hit the PUBLISH button and feel sick to my stomach that I have laid myself so bare, but that is all a part of the growing up, the being honest, because being vulnerable can make you stronger, and the way I see it, if anyone I know does feel they have one up on me because I have been open, well that says more about them than it does about me......

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